Baby’s Developments

Your baby, who is now known as a foetus rather than an embryo, is about 1.6 cm long and all the organs are developing. Therefore this is a very crucial time. The heartbeat is now more regular and the baby’s brain and veins can be seen through the skin which is very thin right now. The eyes, ears, nose, fingers, toes, tongue and lips have formed but the eyelids are still covered with skin. However, this will separate later on forming the eyelids. The bones and cartilage start to form.

The intestines, which started forming in the umbilical cord starts to move into the abdomen and the brain, lungs, kidneys and liver all start to function.

Changes in the Mother

Some women may be able to spot a very slight bump as their tummies grow. You may start getting acne and dark patches on your facial skin. The volume of blood in your body is increasing rapidly which may cause nosebleeds and bleeding gums.

Tips for This Week

Take a regular intake of calcium and vitamin C.

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