Baby’s Developments

Your baby is about 1.25 cm long now and the eye lenses and the liver are developing. The four buds are now arms and legs but the fingers and toes haven’t developed yet. The elbows start to form during this week as well as the nostrils, lips, tongue and the teeth.

Changes in the Mother

There isn’t much of a change except that the nausea could be worse. The following Tips for This Week may help alleviate nausea:

  • Avoid long periods without food and try eating several small meals
  • Ginger tea and ginger biscuits
  • Have some dry toast or crackers by your bedside so that you can have it first thing in the morning
  • Try to wake up early in the morning and have a bath
  • Be clean and fresh
  • Try to avoid spicy or oily foods
  • Try to reduce nausea through natural means and avoid over the counter medication
  • If vomiting is extreme, seek medical help because you might end up dehydrated which is bad for both you and the baby

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