Baby’s Developments

Your baby is now almost fully developed with its eyes, eye brows, hands, fingernails all developed. Your baby is now about 3 pounds in weight and the head and body are proportioned.

Changes in the Mother

You might have gained a lot more weight than in the previous trimesters. And you might be going through the usual difficulties this time around like finding it difficult to sleep, needing to urinate more often, and if you are working you might even doze off once in a while. All this is normal however.

Tips for this Week

Keep in mind to watch for any signs of labour. These could include increase vaginal discharge, a watery discharge. You might experience pain or pressure in your lower abdomen as well.

So keep a hospital bag ready just in case you have to go to the hospital in an emergency  And keep any necessary documents with you to make the admission process faster.

You might also be visiting your doctor more frequently who will regularly check your pressure to see if you at any point will have pregnancy induced hypertension.


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