Baby’s Developments

You are now halfway through the pregnancy. The foetus measures about 16 cm and weighs approximately 312 g now. The length is measured as ‘crown to rump’ during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy since the legs are so curled up that it is difficult to measure the foetus head to toe. The foetus is swallowing more now and producing a black sticky substance called meconium. This is a precursor to stools later in life once the baby is born. The foetus still has a waxy coating called vernix caseosa on its skin and under this the skin is thickening and developing all its layers.

Changes in the Mother

You may start feeling the frequent need to urinate again because the foetus is growing and the uterus is pushing against your kidneys, and bladder. It is also putting pressure on you lungs and even the heart. Since your tummy is getting larger, it may be difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Try to take a long pillow, like a bolster with you to bed so that you can simultaneously rest your tummy on it as well as wrap your legs around it.

You will notice that your hair and nails are stronger and more luxuriant than ever. This is because of your pregnancy hormones. An unfortunate side effect is that your body and facial hair become thicker and more noticeable too. This will pass after the pregnancy, so don’t worry.

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