Baby’s Developments

The foetus measures about 12 cm and weighs approximately 110 g now and the muscles and bones have gained strength which means your baby can hold its head erect. The eyes have moved close to the front of the head and the ears too are almost in the final position, which means that the foetus can hear your voice and other sounds going on outside. The heart is now pumping almost 25,000 ml each day and this increases as your baby matures.

Changes in the Mother

You will continue to gain weight and your breasts will also increase in size. It is very important that you buy clothes, and especially underwear that fit you in order to avoid uneasiness and possible cuts. Your uterus expands and puts more pressure on your bowels. This may cause constipation. Increase your liquid intake. You can do this in many ways but water is the safest bet since tea, coffee, soda and other caffeinated drinks actually dehydrate your body while fruit juices, if taken regularly with sugar, may lead to excessive sugar intake. This would put you at a risk of developing Gestational Diabetes. Although Gestational Diabetes goes away after giving birth, it carries many risks associated with it for both you as well as your baby and also increases your risk of Type 2 Diabetes later in life.

Your growing belly may also lead to lower backaches. Try to get your husband to massage your lower back and take warm baths and showers. Try sitting in the shower if standing for long periods leads to backaches.



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